Sunday, June 26, 2011

I love to see the temple.

I went there yesterday.

Another happening from yesterday:
I was enjoying the sunny day at the pool for a bit, when I noticed two little girls trying to enter through the gate. I hopped over to let them in and made my way back to the pool. One of the little girls followed and politely walked up to me to say thank you. She then paused for a moment before asking, "Are you a teenager?" After a slight chuckle and a negative response from me, she replied, "Oh. Well, you look like one." "Well, how old are you?" I asked. After stating that she was nine years old, with a beam on her face, I informed her that I was more than TWICE her age. To which she responded, "Yeah, you look older than me."
Moral of the story: So I definitely look older than nine, phew. But I also look like a teenager. I guess I'll accept.

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