The following two pictures should pretty succinctly declare my feelings on the political atmosphere nowadays.
The prettiest map of the U.S. I've ever seen. |
My loyalties. |
In an attempt to calm my troubled heart, I just completed my own electoral map prediction at cnn dot com. NOTE - please do not read this as me endorsing cnn in any way, shape, or form, or however the phrase may go. Now if any of you out there enjoy partaking in the annual March Madness bracket hysteria, oh boy, you should give the electoral college predictor a try. Anyway, I will reveal that the predictor landed nicely in my favor, but it was just too close to glean any kind of real comfort. 281 Romney to 243 Obama is a little unsettling to me. Mr. Romney, even though I live in a sadly blue state and my vote means jack squat here, I will be there for you! Romney 2012!